Winding Up.
12/19/2007 08:43:00 am
I'm done with class, apart from the two overdue lab reports that I really should finish by Friday. Ahem. And the exam in January. Ahem. That means I finished my Science degree. Woot. That means that technically, exam pending (and Arts degree, but we won't talk about that now), I'm fully qualified for like... a real job. Ouch.
I've starting taking things down off the walls. I've started throwing things out. Cleaned the bathroom. Bought myself a Swedish cookbook .Written the list of things I need to do: return bus pass (done), close bank account (not done), gotten transcript (not done), sent Christmas cards (not quite, please don't be offended) hand in overdue lab reports (not done).
Where did the year go? I'm not sure.
Julebord. Christmas Buffet.
Jessica and Ellie, friends from the first cell-culture (it's an immunology in-joke, but ah, it's not actually funny at all. It's not really a joke I guess. I was just trying to be witty).
Cleaning up my notes. Throwing away many hours of hard work. Sigh, goodbye work.
Wandering and appreciating the nature. Kärlek till naturen.
Nobel Prize lectures for Medicine. "Oops, I accidentally discovered gel electrophoresis." I love you Oliver Smithies, you're so small and cute. And smart too.
Window Shopping and one last Fika. Baked goods mmn, du älskar att reta mig.
Appreciating the nature. Appreciating my life in Sweden. More photos here.
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