
5/06/2007 03:20:00 am

Valborg was last weekend, and well, I'm a loooooser so I didn't really do much.

On Monday we had champagne for breakfast and went into town in the to see the boats 'racing' down Fyrisån. I realise now that 'racing' meant less of a race, and more a 'leisurely paddle' down the river. I had a couple of movies, but youtube didn't want to upload them, I'll try and add them again later.

My two favourites..mainly because the lobsters looked funny when they danced, and the tail of the whale is sinking.

Had lunch at Ekonomikum and ah, drank some more champagne. You know, it really puts Foundation Day to shame. Hang your head UNSW, hang it low. This is what 35,000 drunk Swedish university students look like, and I don't think you'll see a similar scene in any Australian university any time soon.

We watched people wave their hats at the VC on the balcony of Carolina Rediviva, but we weren't really sure if he'd made his speech, so we just kind of wandered down the hill, but I then got pissed off at standing in a line outside Värmlands nation went home.

I spent the rest of the afternoon and night watching season 2 of Battlestar Galactica because, as I already mentioned, I'm a loser. But that's a whole other post right there, let's not go into it now.

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